Hey Happiness, You There?

3 Tips for Finding That Dear Friend.

There's no doubt these challenging times can cause unhappiness to rear it's ugly head more than we would like. With so much volatility and uncertainty and what feels like every single day presenting an unexpected challenge, it's easy and common to let yourself be consumed by it.  But I'm sure that when you let that negative engulfment occur, it impacts your outlook, your motivation, your mood. I'm SURE it makes it harder to be happy. 

But here's the good news. Our overall fulfilment and happiness depends on what we focus our mental energy on every single day. We have the power to control this. 

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In the book "The Happiness Advantage" by Shawn Achor - he speaks about us never being happy if happiness is on the other side of successes.

Wow, how true.

We cover this in my Thinking Into Results program all the time, that our daily happiness and productivity are acutely tied to our mindset.

Focusing on the things we have control of by living from the inside out instead of letting the negative news, naysayers and doom & gloomers control our happiness, is the most important lesson in managing our emotions through these times. Now more than ever, we can go back to the basics that are within our control to put us in a positive state:

3 Simple Tips for Finding Our Dear Friend, Happiness:

  1. Write out what you're grateful for every day - it puts positive energy out there. Start your day with writing out your gratitudes or use this in a team environment by having your team start the day with sending an email acknowledging one person for their positive contribution.

  2. Random acts of kindness - do something every day that puts a smile on someones face. How lovely. 

  3. Journal every day about one positive thing that happened. Simple.

If you're looking to make a change, see the world from a different perspective and actually tap into your own full potential, reach out to me to hear more about my next coaching program which starts on September 23rdI'm here to help you through these times, to give you tools that will allow you to better control your own thoughts and therefore your world and results around you. I'm here to help you go after goals that are scary and stretch you in a way that you never thought possible. 

