How Do You See Yourself?

I've been in the depths of transitioning the kids from virtual school back to in-person and I have to admit - it's only recently that I feel I've had the space to focus properly on myself again. I'm sure you can relate. 

We recently focused on *self-image* in my coaching program, and how we see ourselves versus how we project ourselves to the outer world. How our results are always a reflection of what's going on internally. If we want to be our best, perform at our best, achieve the big goals we set for ourselves and continue to succeed forward, it's crucial that how we see ourselves internally -- as in our self-image -- is in good standing.  Here's what I mean...



You have an outer image. 

The one you project to the world by the way you walk, talk, dress and greet other people.

That outer image is the outer EXPRESSION of your inner image.

But here's the thing...

Your results are always a reflection of what's going on internally. 

If you have a negative image of yourself, your results are going to be a reflection of that image.

Really, every time. 

Your self-image impacts your results, so it's important to adjust that inner self-image to get better results. You must reprogram the image of who you want to be on a subconscious level. It's deeper work that takes time and commitment and requires learning more about the mind and how you have been programmed from your early years, but it's work worth doing - to change your results. 

